My Life in Hell's Kitchen
The biography of fairytale's most notorious chef.
Heavy Metal Magazine Vol. 34 No.6.
Comic books as props on primetime TV.
In the mysterious wilderness of colonial Maine, thirteen-year-old Pilgrim girl Mercy befriends the last survivor of the White Earth Nation. Together their explorations in the native ghost towns bring them in contact with an alien intelligence.
Mercy’s new world view puts her at odds with her religious colony.
Let the witch trials begin.
Book of Splendor
Kabbalah, demonology and superstition entangle the life and after-life of Eleazar, medieval Jewish peasant at the center of a supernatural battlefield. 
Three Little Murders
the third little piggy is wrought with surivors guilt and goes to some very dark places.
Heavy Metal Magazine Vol. 32 No. 3
Death Takes a Holiday
The Karmic wheel at the center of the Universe has stopped spinning. Reincarnation has grinded to a halt.
Two civilizations from opposite ends of space-time dispatch spiritual astronauts to repair the system. 
the Keening
Colorist and layout



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